First Visit:According to The American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, children should be seen by a dentist when they get their first tooth, or at latest by the time the reach their first birthday. The doctors and team members will review the health history form with you at the first visit. Your child will be invited to tour our office. We welcome you to accompany your child into the treatment area during the initial exam. This will give us the opportunity to hear your concerns, answer your questions and discuss dental findings and treatment directly with you. If your child is under three years of age, the examination is usually a "lap exam". We will ask you to lay your child across our lap for the examination, helping your child feel more secure. Additional services will be scheduled for a later visit.Prior to the first visit:Please discuss the positive aspects of dentistry with your child to promote a fun visit. One way to convey good feelings to your child about the appointment is to remind them that going to the dentist is a sign that they are growing up. We encourage you to read a children's book from the library about dental visits. A parent's positive attitude about the dentist will go a long way. You can explain that we will count their teeth, take pictures, and brush their teeth. Your child may be aware of "the dentist" and have developed some apprehension to new situations, which is very normal. Prior to the appointment, please do not try to explain what may happen by using words such as "it won't hurt", shot, drill, pull, needle, etc. Keep you discussions with your child vague but positive. Expect your child to do well and enjoy their visit to our office and chances are he/she will do exactly that! As pediatric dentists and fellow mothers, we take their comfort to heart.